How cute—and HOT! Brent Everett blogged about watching Olympic hockey with his husband Steve in a post he titled "USA Beats Canada in Olympic Hockey, 5-3." He quoted part of a story from the Huffington Post, then added a personal note. Check out the last lines in particular:
This game was awesome. Both Steve & I watched with excitement. The USA hadn't beaten Canada in 50 years. Canada is such a better team (according to all the professionals) but the USA pulled it out and away. It was fun watching two teams that represented our countries (USA = Steve & Canada = me) play each other in the Olympics. Beer, family and friends just add to the fun mix. Although it sucked that my team lost, I was happy that it was to my second home, and Steve's home country, the USA.It really was a good game. Fun educating Steve in the rules of hockey throughout the game. The only other winter Olympic sport he knew about was figure-skating... (how gay is he? I think u know now)! Oh, and he is just baffled by curling. Ha! If you're from the north you understand it.He knows football. I know hockey. :-)Cheers,Brent Everett (Go Canada, eh!)
Oh, and the loser tonight has to be the big bottom. :-) Hey Steve, where's the good lube??? Better go get ready to rid'em cowboy... :-))
As always, be sure to check out Brent's awesome blog here. And his porn website here. And here's my earlier post about Brent: "Cumhole Friday: Brent Everett."
(Click on the image to enlarge)
—image from The Heming Way II
—image from The Heming Way II