(Click on the image to enlarge it.)
—image from Chippy’s Beach Blog
“Fear. Desire. Hunger. Lust. His eyes tell all these and more when we see each other. I love the power he has given me over him, and often I will fuck him, leave... and come back to him. Knowing that he is lying in his room, knowing that I will not stop fucking him until my DNA is left within his hole.”
This game was awesome. Both Steve & I watched with excitement. The USA hadn't beaten Canada in 50 years. Canada is such a better team (according to all the professionals) but the USA pulled it out and away. It was fun watching two teams that represented our countries (USA = Steve & Canada = me) play each other in the Olympics. Beer, family and friends just add to the fun mix. Although it sucked that my team lost, I was happy that it was to my second home, and Steve's home country, the USA.It really was a good game. Fun educating Steve in the rules of hockey throughout the game. The only other winter Olympic sport he knew about was figure-skating... (how gay is he? I think u know now)! Oh, and he is just baffled by curling. Ha! If you're from the north you understand it.He knows football. I know hockey. :-)Cheers,Brent Everett (Go Canada, eh!)
Oh, and the loser tonight has to be the big bottom. :-) Hey Steve, where's the good lube??? Better go get ready to rid'em cowboy... :-))
"Every single person who has criticized the porn I make is laboring under a misunderstanding of what porn is. Hundreds of serious academic and governmental studies have shown that porn—if it is good porn—functions as a cathartic agent that relieves pent-up sexual energy. It's been shown over and over that porn doesn't lead to any particular kind of behavior, whether it's violent or unsafe. Rather it allows the viewer to live the experience vicariously, to be free from the need or the drive to act unwisely or uncharacteristically. The most famous porn studies from around the world show that cultures that have the most graphic and honest and freely available pornography are also the cultures with the healthiest sexuality. Moralistic porn that intends to 'teach' causes the greatest harm; it's propaganda, with no cathartic effect, reducing sex—the most profound element of life—to the level of a hygiene lesson. Porn is like any of the arts: to function correctly and healthily it has to be honest and it has to be fearless..."